Religion: Christianity What is Primary Religion?

Population of Adherents


% of World Population

31.2 %

People Groups


Unreached Groups

0 (0.0 %)

Map Notes
Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Photo People Group Country Population Primary Language Primary Religion Progress
% Christian
Est. Workers
Needed *
Chinook Wawa Canada 100 English Christianity 90.00 % 10.00 % Complete Bible -
Chinook Wawa United States 200 English Christianity 60.00 % 3.00 % Complete Bible -
 Chipaya Bolivia 2,400 Chipaya Christianity 75.00 % 7.00 % New Testament -
 Chipewyan Canada 13,000 Dene Christianity 96.00 % 25.00 % New Testament -
 Chippewa United States 123,000 Chippewa Christianity 60.00 % 4.00 % New Testament -
 Chirripo Costa Rica 14,000 Cabecar Christianity 95.00 % 14.00 % New Testament -
 Chiru India 10,000 Chiru Christianity 98.36 % New Testament -
 Chocholteco Mexico 600 Spanish Christianity 95.00 % 10.00 % Complete Bible -
 Choctaw United States 116,000 Choctaw Christianity 65.00 % 8.00 % New Testament -
 Chokwe Angola 2,417,000 Chokwe Christianity 85.00 % 43.80 % Complete Bible -
 Chokwe Namibia 8,300 Chokwe Christianity 85.00 % 39.00 % Complete Bible -
 Chokwe Zambia 132,000 Chokwe Christianity 60.00 % 12.00 % Complete Bible -
 Chokwe, Kioko Congo, Democratic Republic of 1,423,000 Chokwe Christianity 94.00 % 19.00 % Complete Bible -
Chontal de Oaxaca, Costa Mexico 1,400 Chontal, Lowland Oaxaca Christianity 95.00 % 50.00 % Bible Portions -
 Chontal de Oaxaca, Sierra Mexico 2,800 Chontal, Highland Oaxaca Christianity 95.00 % 28.00 % New Testament -
 Chontal, Tabasco Mexico 61,000 Chontal, Tabasco Christianity 96.00 % 4.30 % New Testament -
Chorote, Eklenjuy Argentina 900 Chorote, Iyojwa'ja Christianity 70.00 % 8.88 % New Testament -
Chorote, Manjuy Argentina 1,800 Chorote, Iyo'wujwa Christianity 80.00 % 14.00 % New Testament -
 Chorti Guatemala 115,000 Ch'orti' Christianity 97.00 % 6.00 % New Testament -
 Chorti Honduras 41,000 Ch'orti' Christianity 92.00 % 3.50 % New Testament -
 Chothe India 4,200 Naga, Chothe Christianity 97.35 % New Testament -
 Christian Bangladesh 308,000 Bengali Christianity 100.00 % Complete Bible -
 Christian Sri Lanka 27,000 Language unknown Christianity 100.00 % Unspecified -
 Christian India 1,575,000 Hindi Christianity 100.00 % Complete Bible -
 Christian Pakistan 347,000 Punjabi, Western Christianity 100.00 % New Testament -
Totals: 7,150 Peoples   2,518,589,000     0       0
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