Religion: Christianity What is Primary Religion?

Population of Adherents


% of World Population

31.2 %

People Groups


Unreached Groups

0 (0.0 %)

Map Notes
Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Photo People Group Country Population Primary Language Primary Religion Progress
% Christian
Est. Workers
Needed *
 Zayse Ethiopia 33,000 Zayse Christianity 82.00 % 77.67 % Bible Portions -
 Zeliang India 117,000 Naga, Zeme Christianity 93.67 % Complete Bible -
Zenag Papua New Guinea 6,700 Zenag Christianity 98.00 % 22.00 % Translation Needed -
 Zhire Nigeria 17,000 Zhire Christianity 97.00 % 25.00 % Unspecified -
Zialo Guinea 36,000 Zialo Christianity 75.00 % 3.00 % Translation Started -
Zimba Congo, Democratic Republic of 293,000 Zimba Christianity 96.00 % 7.00 % Bible Portions -
Ziya, Lower Waria Papua New Guinea 6,300 Zia Christianity 88.00 % 30.00 % New Testament -
Ziya-Mawae Papua New Guinea 2,700 Zia Christianity 90.00 % 22.00 % New Testament -
 Zo Myanmar (Burma) 68,000 Zo Christianity 84.00 % 50.00 % Complete Bible -
Zoque, Chimalapa Mexico 7,000 Zoque, Chimalapa Christianity 95.00 % 44.40 % Translation Needed -
Zoque, Copainala Mexico 15,000 Zoque, Copainala Christianity 95.00 % 6.00 % New Testament -
 Zoque, Francisco Leon Mexico 31,000 Zoque, Francisco Leon Christianity 94.00 % 2.00 % New Testament -
Zoque, Rayon Mexico 16,000 Zoque, Rayon Christianity 90.00 % 4.80 % Bible Portions -
Zoque, Tabasco Mexico Unknown Spanish Christianity 95.00 % 1.00 % Complete Bible -
 Zou India 28,000 Zo Christianity 99.43 % Complete Bible -
Zula Congo, Democratic Republic of 29,000 Zula Christianity 65.00 % 8.00 % Translation Started -
 Zulu Botswana 6,900 Zulu Christianity 88.00 % 20.00 % Complete Bible -
 Zulu Lesotho 352,000 Zulu Christianity 70.00 % 11.00 % Complete Bible -
 Zulu Malawi 78,000 Zulu Christianity 96.00 % 15.00 % Complete Bible -
 Zulu Mozambique 6,500 Zulu Christianity 80.00 % 22.00 % Complete Bible -
 Zulu South Africa 13,781,000 Zulu Christianity 81.00 % 28.79 % Complete Bible -
 Zulu Eswatini 100,000 Zulu Christianity 87.00 % 20.00 % Complete Bible -
 Zulu Zimbabwe 212,000 Zulu Christianity 85.00 % 22.00 % Complete Bible -
Zyoba Tanzania 7,700 Kiviila Christianity 90.00 % 14.00 % Bible Portions -
Totals: 7,149 Peoples   2,517,889,000     0       0
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