The Dusadh claim that a prince, Dushasan, is their forbearer. In 1857, both Hindus and Muslims were revolting against England's East India Company, but the British managed to raise an army partly from the Dosadh people, and they prevailed. This led to the British crown holding far more power in South Asia than ever before.
They have a couple of subgroups one of which is the Bahelia. The Bahelia Dusadh people are primarily in Bihar, but also in Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, and Odisha. There are a smaller number of them in Bangladesh and Nepal.
Largely because of their low status, these people have had to find creative, though often demeaning ways of making a living. The Dusadh are often employed as village watchmen and messengers. They are famous for catching wild animals, extracting honey from beehives, and making fans from peacock feathers. Others have even lower status jobs such as taking insects off the backs of cattle. Some of them even beg for a living. Some work in agriculture. They are often unemployed because other communities either think they don't have the right agricultural skills or they view them as thieves and criminals.
Hindus among them worship Garaya, Baghat, Garam Gossain, Kudra, Barpahar, Manasa, Satbahni, Shiva, Durga, Lakshmi, Sitala and other deities.
Christian workers need to note the extreme poverty of the Bahelia Dosadh community, and not neglect their material and physical needs. Christians need to serve these people by helping improve their living conditions.
Pray for the Christian believers that will someday be found among the Bahelia Dosadh community, that they will be zealous to be discipled and to disciple others.
Pray for an improved standard of living, including better schools and hospitals.
Pray for a movement to Christ among the Bahelia people of India.
Scripture Prayers for the Dusadh Bahelia in India.
Profile Source: Joshua Project |