Progress Scale: 3 - Superficially reached What is the Progress Scale?


Evangelicals <= 2%
Professing Christians > 50%
Progress Level
Progress Gauge

People Groups


% of World's
People Groups

10.4 %



% of World Population

6.8 %

Map Notes
Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Photo People Group Country Population Primary Language Primary Religion Progress
% Christian
 Lithuanian Moldova 700 Lithuanian Christianity 85.00 % 1.10 %
 Polish Moldova 1,400 Polish Christianity 90.00 % 0.30 %
 Romani, Balkan Moldova 6,100 Romani, Balkan Christianity 83.00 % 0.24 %
 Russian Moldova 165,000 Russian Christianity 75.00 % 1.20 %
 Deaf Moldova 25,000 Moldova Sign Language Christianity 73.36 %
 Deaf Micronesia, Federated States 900 Language unknown Christianity 96.65 %
Tlapaneco, Acatepec Mexico 49,000 Me'phaa, Acatepec Christianity 97.00 % 1.00 %
 Afro-Seminole Mexico 500 Afro-Seminole Creole Christianity 90.00 % 2.00 %
Popoloca, Santa Ines Ahuatempan Mexico 5,200 Popoloca, Santa Ines Ahuatempan Christianity 95.00 % 0.80 %
Tlapaneco, Azoyu Mexico 800 Me'phaa, Azoyu Christianity 96.00 % 0.80 %
 Basque Mexico 26,000 Basque Christianity 95.00 % 1.00 %
 Romani, Calo Mexico 26,000 Calo Christianity 90.00 % 0.30 %
 Catalonian Mexico 64,000 Catalan Christianity 95.00 % 1.00 %
 Pame, Central Mexico 10,000 Pame, Central Christianity 95.00 % 1.50 %
Zapoteco, Miahuatlan Central Mexico 1,200 Zapotec, Miahuatlan Christianity 95.00 % 1.00 %
 Zoque, Francisco Leon Mexico 31,000 Zoque, Francisco Leon Christianity 94.00 % 2.00 %
 French Mexico 9,000 French Christianity 61.00 % 1.00 %
 Tarahumara, Central Mexico 39,000 Tarahumara, Central Christianity 90.00 % 1.20 %
 Mixteco, Chalcatongo Mexico 1,900 Mixtec, San Miguel el Grande Christianity 95.00 % 0.40 %
 Chiapaneco Mexico Unknown Spanish Christianity 85.00 % 2.00 %
 Chicomucelteco Mexico 2,700 Spanish Christianity 95.00 % 0.20 %
 Pima Bajo, Chihuahua Mexico 900 Pima Bajo Christianity 96.00 % 2.00 %
 Chatino, Sierra Oriental Mexico 2,400 Chatino, Eastern Highland Christianity 95.00 % 0.40 %
Zapoteco, Choapan Mexico 14,000 Zapotec, Choapan Christianity 95.00 % 0.80 %
Chinanteco, Comaltepec Mexico 3,100 Chinantec, Comaltepec Christianity 95.00 % 1.50 %
Totals:  1,789 People Groups   547,902,000            

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