Religion: Ethnic Religions What is Primary Religion?

Population of Adherents


% of World Population

9.2 %

People Groups


Unreached Groups

913 (34.6 %)

Map Notes
Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Photo People Group Country Population Primary Language Primary Religion Progress
% Christian
Est. Workers
Needed *
Katawixi Brazil 300 Portuguese Ethnic Religions 40.00 % 5.00 % Complete Bible -
Ziriya Nigeria 2,500 Hausa Ethnic Religions 25.00 % 8.00 % Complete Bible -
Eviya Gabon 600 Eviya Ethnic Religions 30.00 % 5.00 % Unspecified -
Ndambomo Gabon 1,400 Ndambomo Ethnic Religions 30.00 % 4.00 % Unspecified -
Tidung, Northern Malaysia 22,000 Tidung, Northern Ethnic Religions 14.00 % 4.00 % Unspecified -
Kaera Indonesia 5,900 Kaera Ethnic Religions 40.00 % 7.00 % Translation Started -
Lewotobi Indonesia 6,400 Lewotobi Ethnic Religions 5.05 % 2.05 % Translation Started -
Awori Nigeria 91,000 Yoruba Ethnic Religions 20.00 % 2.00 % Complete Bible -
Noipa Solomon Islands 300 Noipa Ethnic Religions 20.00 % 5.00 % Translation Needed -
Guebie Côte d'Ivoire 9,300 Guebie Ethnic Religions 8.00 % 4.00 % Translation Needed -
Tunebo, Angosturas Colombia 100 Spanish Ethnic Religions 25.00 % 2.00 % Complete Bible -
 Mari, Eastern Russia 150,000 Mari, Meadow Ethnic Religions 45.00 % 0.50 % New Testament -
Magi Papua New Guinea Unknown Magi Ethnic Religions 30.00 % 6.00 % Unspecified -
Khaonh Cambodia 400 Mel-Khaonh Ethnic Religions 20.00 % 15.00 % Unspecified -
Taromemane Ecuador 200 Waorani Ethnic Religions 15.00 % 10.00 % New Testament -
Tagaeri Ecuador Unknown Waorani Ethnic Religions 20.00 % 10.00 % New Testament -
 Bodi Ethiopia 13,000 Me'en Ethnic Religions 6.00 % 3.85 % New Testament -
Gumuz, Mandura-Dibate Ethiopia 208,000 Gumuz Ethnic Religions 10.00 % 7.90 % New Testament -
Kumbainggar Australia 100 Kumbainggar Ethnic Religions 40.00 % 5.00 % Translation Needed -
Guragone Australia Unknown Gurr-goni Ethnic Religions 45.00 % 10.00 % Translation Needed -
Juma Brazil Unknown Language unknown Ethnic Religions ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % Unspecified 0
 Dukawa, Western Nigeria 70,000 us-Saare Ethnic Religions 7.00 % 1.00 % Bible Portions -
Dukawa, Eastern Nigeria 58,000 ut-Hun Ethnic Religions 7.00 % 2.00 % New Testament -
Mpinda Angola 37,000 Mpinda Ethnic Religions 20.00 % 8.00 % Translation Started -
Isse Brazil Unknown Portuguese Ethnic Religions ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % Complete Bible 0
Totals: 2,641 Peoples   740,712,000     913       3,427
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