Progress Scale: 5 - Significantly reached What is the Progress Scale?


Evangelicals > 10%
Progress Level
Progress Gauge

People Groups


% of World's
People Groups

19.1 %



% of World Population

22.8 %

Map Notes
Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Photo People Group Country Population Primary Language Primary Religion Progress
% Christian
Namonuito Micronesia, Federated States 1,000 Namonuito Christianity 95.00 % 14.00 %
Namosi Fiji 1,900 Namosi-Naitasiri-Serua Christianity 98.00 % 19.00 %
Nancere Chad 161,000 Nancere Christianity 70.00 % 35.00 %
Nande Congo, Democratic Republic of 2,460,000 Nande Christianity 98.30 % 24.00 %
Nanggu Solomon Islands 400 Engdewu Christianity 85.00 % 14.00 %
Nankina Papua New Guinea 6,700 Nankina Christianity 95.00 % 26.00 %
 Nkoya, Lambya Zambia 74,000 Nkoya Christianity 60.00 % 25.00 %
Nkutu Congo, Democratic Republic of 193,000 Nkutu Christianity 99.00 % 16.00 %
Weenhayek, Wichi Lhames Nocten Bolivia 5,500 Weenhayek Christianity 90.00 % 15.00 %
Nokopo Papua New Guinea 2,600 Yopno Christianity 90.00 % 20.00 %
Nokuku Vanuatu 600 Tanokuku Christianity 98.00 % 46.00 %
Nomad, Kalamo Papua New Guinea 900 Odoodee Christianity 75.00 % 14.00 %
 Nomane, Kiari Papua New Guinea 13,000 Nomane Christianity 98.00 % 20.00 %
Nomu Papua New Guinea 800 Nomu Christianity 85.00 % 24.00 %
 Eskimo, North Alaskan Canada 7,800 Inupiatun, North Alaskan Christianity 96.00 % 35.00 %
Ambrym Islanders, North Vanuatu 9,200 Ambrym, North Christianity 90.00 % 43.00 %
 Quechua, North Bolivian Bolivia 283,000 Quechua, North Bolivian Christianity 90.50 % 14.00 %
 Pedi, North Sotho South Africa 5,431,000 Sotho, Northern Christianity 82.00 % 12.18 %
Fore, North-Central Papua New Guinea 34,000 Fore Christianity 99.00 % 31.00 %
 Zapoteco, Amatlan Mexico 13,000 Zapotec, Amatlan Christianity 95.00 % 22.00 %
Kiwai, Northeast Papua New Guinea 9,200 Kiwai, Northeast Christianity 99.00 % 32.00 %
Vanua Levu, Northeast Fiji 2,900 Fijian Christianity 97.00 % 20.00 %
Viti Levu, Northeast Fiji 24,000 Fijian Christianity 97.00 % 23.00 %
Bikol, Northern Philippines 250,000 Sorsoganon, Northern Christianity 97.00 % 12.00 %
 Cakchiquel, Northern Guatemala 85,000 Kaqchikel Christianity 95.00 % 13.00 %
Totals:  3,294 People Groups   1,842,445,000            

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