Progress Scale: 4 - Partially reached What is the Progress Scale?


Evangelicals > 2% and <= 10%
Progress Level
Progress Gauge

People Groups


% of World's
People Groups

22.3 %



% of World Population

24.7 %

Map Notes
Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Photo People Group Country Population Primary Language Primary Religion Progress
% Christian
Nuu Chah Nulth, Nootka Canada 8,300 English Christianity 92.00 % 4.60 %
 Chatino, Nopala Mexico 12,000 Chatino, Nopala Christianity 96.00 % 8.00 %
 Eskimo, North Alaskan United States 7,800 Inupiatun, North Alaskan Ethnic Religions 45.00 % 3.00 %
Zapoteco, Rincon Mexico 38,000 Zapotec, Rincon Christianity 96.00 % 6.70 %
Zapoteco, Loxicha Mexico 90,000 Zapotec, Loxicha Christianity 95.00 % 8.00 %
Sahaptin, Northeast United States 1,100 Walla Walla Christianity 65.00 % 4.00 %
Ngungwel Congo, Republic of the 131,000 Ngungwel Christianity 95.50 % 6.00 %
 Mixteco, Ixtayutla Mexico 8,300 Mixtec, Ixtayutla Christianity 95.00 % 2.70 %
Krumen, Northeastern Côte d'Ivoire 42,000 Krumen, Pye Ethnic Religions 40.00 % 8.00 %
 Mixe, Quetzaltepec Mexico 11,000 Mixe, Quetzaltepec Christianity 90.00 % 3.00 %
Akoko Nigeria 135,000 Arigidi Ethnic Religions 30.00 % 5.00 %
 Bara Brazil Unknown Waimaha Ethnic Religions 50.00 % 10.00 %
 Bara, Waimaha Colombia 1,000 Waimaha Ethnic Religions 40.00 % 4.00 %
Aggay Philippines 1,600 Atta, Pamplona Ethnic Religions 20.00 % 7.00 %
Bikol, Northern Catanduanes Philippines 100,000 Bikol, Northern Catanduanes Christianity 95.00 % 9.00 %
Kalinga, Northern Philippines 16,000 Kalinga, Limos Ethnic Religions 15.00 % 10.00 %
 Paiute, Northern United States 7,400 Paiute, Northern Christianity 65.00 % 8.00 %
 Saami, Northern Norway 33,000 Saami, North Christianity 95.00 % 8.00 %
 Saami, Northern Sweden 6,000 Saami, North Christianity 93.00 % 5.00 %
Teke, Northern Congo, Republic of the 98,000 Teke-Tege Ethnic Religions 35.00 % 6.00 %
Teke, Northern Gabon 174,000 Teke-Tege Ethnic Religions 28.00 % 5.00 %
Tiwa, Northern United States 2,000 Tiwa, Northern Christianity 60.00 % 4.00 %
 Otomi, Noreste Mexico 51,000 Otomi, Queretaro Christianity 95.00 % 5.30 %
 Norwegian Norway 4,578,000 Norwegian Christianity 95.00 % 9.00 %
 Norwegian Svalbard 1,700 Norwegian Christianity 95.00 % 10.00 %
Totals:  3,842 People Groups   1,997,701,000            

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