Country: Cambodia

People Groups


People Groups Unreached

19 (43.2%)

People Groups Unreached Frontier

3 (6.8%)



Population in Unreached

16,408,000 (96.0%)

Population in Unreached Frontier

281,000 (1.6%)

% Evangelical


Progress Level

Progress Gauge
Map Notes

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Photo People Group Population
this Ctry
Indigenous Primary Language Primary
% Christian
% Evangelical Needed
 Krung 26,000 26,000 1 Krung Ethnic Religions 12.00 % 10.00 % -
 Kui 36,000 520,000 3 Kuay Buddhism 3.50 % 0.53 % 1
 Lao 24,000 4,008,000 11 Lao Buddhism 1.40 % 0.30 % 1
 Lao Phuan 2,500 360,000 3 Phuan Buddhism 2.00 % 1.00 % 1
 Malay 18,000 18,079,000 24 Malay Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % 1
 Mel 3,500 3,500 1 Mel-Khaonh Ethnic Religions 10.00 % 9.00 % -
 Mnong, Central 48,000 87,000 2 Mnong, Central Ethnic Religions 20.00 % 17.00 % -
 Pear 2,000 2,000 1 Pear Ethnic Religions 12.00 % 10.00 % -
 Rade 3,200 411,000 2 Rade Ethnic Religions 41.00 % 15.00 % -
 Sa'och 500 500 1 Khmer Ethnic Religions 18.00 % 16.00 % -
Samre 300 300 1 Khmer Ethnic Religions 15.00 % 13.00 % -
Somray 5,300 5,300 1 Somray Ethnic Religions 12.00 % 11.00 % -
 South Asian, general 1,800 12,179,000 59 Hindi Hinduism 9.00 % 2.00 % -
 Stieng, Bulo 7,900 63,000 2 Stieng, Bulo Ethnic Religions 16.00 % 14.00 % -
 Suoy 1,700 1,700 1 Su’ung Ethnic Religions 14.00 % 12.00 % -
 T'moan 800 800 1 Kraol Christianity 51.00 % 0.40 % -
 Tampuan 39,000 39,000 1 Tampuan Ethnic Religions 1.80 % 1.70 % 1
 Thai 3,400 24,271,000 29 Thai Buddhism 0.60 % 0.15 % 1
 Vietnamese 835,000 87,374,000 36 Vietnamese Buddhism 3.00 % 0.17 % 17
  Totals:  44 17,083,000           3 ☀︎  19 3.38 % 1.50 % 338 
  Unclassified / Other Individuals 39,000                  
  UN Country Population (2024) 17,122,000                  
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Prayer Cards

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Province Estimated
Banteay Meanchey 953,000
Batdambang 1,095,000
Kampong Cham 993,000
Kampong Chhnang 583,000
Kampong Spoe 967,000
Kampong Thum 751,000
Kampot 657,000
Kandal 1,325,000
Kaoh Kong 137,000
Kep 46,000
Kracheh 363,000
Krong Pailin 79,000
Krong Preah Sihanouk 336,000
Mondol Kiri 98,000
Otdar Mean Chey 290,000
Phnom Penh 2,361,000
Pouthisat 456,000
Preah Vihear 279,000
Prey Veng 1,172,000
Rotanokiri 226,000
Siemreab 1,116,000
Stoeng Treng 177,000
Svay Rieng 582,000
Takev 997,000
Tbong Khmum 859,000
Provinces:  25 16,898,000
UN Country Population 17,122,000
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Language Code # Peoples
w/ this Primary
# Unreached
w/ this Primary
Faith Comes
By Hearing
Bible Resources
Jesus Film
Brao brb 1 0 Bible Portions
Burmese mya 1 1 Complete Bible
Cambodian Sign Language csx 1 1 Bible Portions
Cham, Western cja 1 1 New Testament
Chinese, Hakka hak 1 1 Complete Bible
Chinese, Mandarin cmn 1 0 Complete Bible
Chinese, Min Nan nan 3 3 Complete Bible
Chinese, Yue yue 1 1 Complete Bible
Chong cog 1 1 Unspecified
English eng 2 0 Complete Bible
French fra 2 0 Complete Bible
Hindi hin 1 0 Complete Bible
Jarai jra 1 0 Complete Bible
Kachok xkk 1 0 Translation Started
Kavet krv 1 0 Unspecified
Khmer khm 5 2 Complete Bible
Khmer, Northern kxm 1 0 Complete Bible
Korean kor 1 0 Complete Bible
Kraol rka 2 1 Unspecified
Krung krr 1 0 New Testament
Kuay kdt 1 1 New Testament
Lao lao 1 1 Complete Bible
Malay zlm 1 1 Complete Bible
Mel-Khaonh hkn 2 0 Unspecified
Mnong, Central cmo 1 0 Complete Bible
Pear pcb 1 0 Unspecified
Phuan phu 1 1 Translation Started
Rade rad 1 0 Complete Bible
Somray smu 1 0 Unspecified
Stieng, Bulo sti 1 0 Unspecified
Su’ung syo 1 0 Unspecified
Tampuan tpu 1 1 New Testament
Thai tha 1 1 Complete Bible
Vietnamese vie 1 1 Complete Bible
Totals: 34 44 19   20 22 20 29 11
Networking Possibilities

Search the Web
There are many agencies and churches looking for additional staff to help them in their mission and calling in Cambodia. Internet searches are probably the best way to find these organizations. The following are some example search topics you might try:

  • Church planting agencies in Cambodia
  • Christian ministry in Cambodia
  • Business as mission
  • Christian literature distribution
  • Evangelism agencies
  • Christian discipleship
  • Short term Christian missions
  • Long term Christian missions
  • Urban ministries
  • Christian media opportunities
  • Bible translation opportunities
  • Relief and development agencies
  • Clean water projects
  • Christian medical outreaches

Cambodia Statistics
People Groups 44
Unreached People Groups 19  (43.2%)
Population 17,083,000
Population Annual Growth Rate 1.6%
Population in Unreached 16,408,000  (96.0%)
Primary Religion Buddhism
Percent Christian Adherent 3.4%
Percent Evangelical 1.5%
Pioneer Workers Needed * 338
Country Progress Level 1
Urbanization 23%
Continent Asia
Region Asia, Southeast
10/40 Window Yes
Country Code CB
Official Language(s) KhmerFrench
Literacy Rate 81%
Estimated Illiterate Population 3,246,000
Persecution Ranking Not ranked
Cambodia Maps
Political Map (UN)
Language Map (Ethnologue)
Ethnolinguistic Map (Univ of Texas)
Perry-Castaneda Map Collection