Progress Scale: 5 - Significantly reached What is the Progress Scale?


Evangelicals > 10%
Progress Level
Progress Gauge

People Groups


% of World's
People Groups

19.2 %



% of World Population

22.9 %

Map Notes
Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Photo People Group Country Population Primary Language Primary Religion Progress
% Christian
 Anyi Ghana 90,000 Anyin Christianity 73.00 % 20.00 %
 Brazilian, White Spain 90,000 Portuguese Christianity 90.00 % 24.00 %
Kewa, East Papua New Guinea 90,000 Kewapi, East Christianity 99.00 % 30.00 %
Kewa, West Papua New Guinea 90,000 Kewapi, West Christianity 86.00 % 31.00 %
Bikol, Buhi'non Philippines 90,000 Bikol, Buhi'non Christianity 90.00 % 11.00 %
Antemanambondro Madagascar 89,000 Malagasy, Merina Ethnic Religions 25.00 % 11.00 %
Manobo, Sarangani Philippines 89,000 Manobo, Sarangani Ethnic Religions 40.00 % 15.00 %
Tumak Chad 89,000 Tumak Christianity 80.00 % 14.00 %
Angal Heneng Papua New Guinea 89,000 Angal Heneng Christianity 99.00 % 26.00 %
Bikol, Libon Philippines 89,000 Bikol, Libon Christianity 90.00 % 12.00 %
 Korean Russia 88,000 Korean Christianity 31.00 % 17.00 %
Kuteb Nigeria 88,000 Kutep Christianity 93.00 % 14.00 %
Peve, Lame Chad 88,000 Peve Christianity 60.00 % 35.00 %
Tobanga Chad 88,000 Tobanga Christianity 55.00 % 35.00 %
 Afro-Vincentian St Vincent and Grenadines 88,000 Vincentian English Creole Christianity 94.00 % 46.00 %
Bendi, Mabendi Congo, Democratic Republic of 87,000 Bendi Christianity 85.00 % 16.00 %
 Korean Vietnam 87,000 Korean Non-Religious 27.00 % 13.00 %
 Asaro, Upper Asaro Papua New Guinea 86,000 Dano Christianity 99.00 % 23.00 %
 Buem Ghana 86,000 Lelemi Christianity 95.00 % 24.00 %
Musgum, Mulwi Chad 86,000 Musgu Ethnic Religions 33.00 % 23.00 %
Toaripi, East Elema Papua New Guinea 86,000 Toaripi Christianity 99.00 % 22.00 %
 Dinka, Northwestern South Sudan 85,000 Dinka, Northwestern Christianity 65.00 % 12.00 %
Kanjobal, Eastern United States 85,000 Q'anjob'al Christianity 92.00 % 12.00 %
 Ilocano United States 85,000 Ilocano Christianity 99.00 % 17.00 %
Imbongu, Imbon Ggo Papua New Guinea 85,000 Imbongu Christianity 97.00 % 21.00 %
Totals:  3,311 People Groups   1,846,434,000            

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