Progress Scale: 5 - Significantly reached What is the Progress Scale?


Evangelicals > 10%
Progress Level
Progress Gauge

People Groups


% of World's
People Groups

19.1 %



% of World Population

22.8 %

Map Notes
Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Photo People Group Country Population Primary Language Primary Religion Progress
% Christian
 Karen, Kayah Eastern Myanmar (Burma) 9,000 Kayah, Eastern Buddhism 20.00 % 14.00 %
 Karen, Bwe Myanmar (Burma) 21,000 Karen, Bwe Ethnic Religions 27.00 % 18.00 %
Reef Islander, Gnivo Solomon Islands 16,000 Aiwoo Christianity 99.00 % 35.00 %
Rembarrnga Australia Unknown Rembarrnga Ethnic Religions 40.00 % 25.00 %
Rempin, Erempi Papua New Guinea 2,900 Rempi Christianity 96.00 % 15.00 %
Rennellese, Mugaba Solomon Islands 8,100 Rennell-Bellona Christianity 99.00 % 31.00 %
Repanbitip Vanuatu 200 Repanbitip Christianity 90.00 % 41.00 %
Rerau Papua New Guinea 1,200 Rerau Christianity 91.00 % 18.00 %
Rerep Vanuatu 1,000 Rerep Christianity 94.00 % 45.00 %
Ririo Solomon Islands 100 Babatana Christianity 86.00 % 15.00 %
Ritarungo Australia Unknown Ritharrngu Ethnic Religions 45.00 % 35.00 %
 Roinji Papua New Guinea 800 Uma (Papua New Guinea) Christianity 95.00 % 16.00 %
Romblon Philippines 119,000 Romblomanon Christianity 98.00 % 11.00 %
Romkun Papua New Guinea 1,200 Romkun Christianity 90.00 % 15.00 %
Ronga Mozambique 835,000 Ronga Christianity 80.00 % 21.00 %
Roroia Vanuatu 100 Mores Ethnic Religions 45.00 % 16.00 %
Rossel Islander, Bou Papua New Guinea 9,000 Yele Christianity 88.00 % 12.00 %
 Rotokas Papua New Guinea 12,000 Rotokas Christianity 98.00 % 18.00 %
Rotuman Fiji 8,700 Rotuman Christianity 98.00 % 17.00 %
Rouku, Upper Morehead Papua New Guinea 1,100 Wara Christianity 70.00 % 13.00 %
 Roviana Solomon Islands 18,000 Roviana Christianity 99.00 % 33.00 %
 Baruli Uganda 264,000 Ruruuli-Runyala Christianity 92.00 % 24.00 %
 Ruruma Nigeria 16,000 Ruma Christianity 70.00 % 16.00 %
Russel Islander, Laube Solomon Islands 3,300 Lavukaleve Christianity 90.00 % 24.00 %
 Lutos-Ruto Chad 7,000 Luto Christianity 50.00 % 23.00 %
Totals:  3,302 People Groups   1,845,828,000            

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