Progress Scale: 3 - Superficially reached What is the Progress Scale?


Evangelicals <= 2%
Professing Christians > 50%
Progress Level
Progress Gauge

People Groups


% of World's
People Groups

10.4 %



% of World Population

6.8 %

Map Notes
Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Photo People Group Country Population Primary Language Primary Religion Progress
% Christian
 Serb Austria 122,000 Serbian Christianity 84.00 % 0.50 %
 Serb Netherlands 2,400 Serbian Christianity 84.00 % 0.50 %
 Slovene Canada 15,000 Slovene Christianity 95.00 % 0.50 %
 Spaniard Colombia 16,000 Spanish Christianity 95.00 % 0.50 %
Spanish, Loreto-Ucayali Peru 3,400 Spanish, Charapa Christianity 95.00 % 0.50 %
 Arab, Syrian Trinidad and Tobago 3,200 Arabic, Levantine Christianity 60.00 % 0.50 %
 Zapoteco, San Juan Guelavia United States 3,400 Zapotec, Western Tlacolula Valley Christianity 95.00 % 0.50 %
 Walser Italy 3,500 Walser Christianity 90.00 % 0.50 %
 Wounaan Panama 8,900 Woun Meu Christianity 65.00 % 0.50 %
 Bohtan Neo-Aramaic Georgia 800 Bohtan Neo-Aramaic Christianity 90.00 % 0.50 %
 European, general Albania 6,100 English Christianity 65.00 % 0.50 %
 European, general Belgium 50,000 English Christianity 65.00 % 0.50 %
 Yugoslav former, general Canada 79,000 Serbian Christianity 60.00 % 0.50 %
 Bora Colombia 1,100 Bora Christianity 65.00 % 0.50 %
 Nagaibak Russia 5,700 Tatar Christianity 70.00 % 0.50 %
 Romani, Baltic Latvia 4,600 Romani, Baltic Christianity 75.00 % 0.50 %
 Mari, Eastern Kazakhstan 4,800 Mari, Hill Christianity 55.00 % 0.50 %
Gurage, Muher Ethiopia 196,000 Sebat Bet Gurage Christianity 75.00 % 0.50 %
 Provencal Monaco 6,900 Gascon Aranese Christianity 85.00 % 0.49 %
 Lombard Italy 3,161,000 Lombard Christianity 85.00 % 0.48 %
 Flemish United Kingdom 18,000 West Flemish Christianity 63.00 % 0.45 %
Chuj, San Mateo Ixtatan Mexico 3,500 Chuj Christianity 95.00 % 0.42 %
 Galician Spain 2,394,000 Galician Christianity 80.00 % 0.40 %
Dzodinka Cameroon 4,900 Lidzonka Christianity 62.00 % 0.40 %
 Assyrian Armenia 14,000 Assyrian Neo-Aramaic Christianity 88.00 % 0.40 %
Totals:  1,790 People Groups   547,741,000            

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