The Naita live in Madhya Pradesh. They speak Malvi and read and write in Devanagari.
The Naita work mainly in agriculture. They have a council to look after their needs. They make use of government benefits such as education. The Naita allow cross cousin marriages. On the death of the father, sons inherit the property with the oldest son becoming the new head of the family.
Islam is their main religion but there are Hindus among them.
The Naita people need the spiritual and social blessings that only Jesus Christ offers. They need openness to Christ and His ways.
Pray that God will give them dreams and visions leading them to Jesus Christ as Lord. Pray for faithful intercessors and workers to go to them until they have a movement to Christ. Pray that council leaders will come to Jesus Christ and lead others to Him.
Scripture Prayers for the Naita in India.
Profile Source: Keith Carey |