Imbabura Highland Quichua in Ecuador

The Imbabura Highland Quichua have only been reported in Ecuador
Largest Religion
Progress Gauge

Introduction / History

There were two main groups of Indians in the Inca Empire, stretching the length of western South America: The Aymara and the Quichua (also called Quechua). The history of the Quichua can be traced to Lake Titicaca region around the year 1000.

Tradition says the hero of the Quichuas first appeared at Lake Titicaca and gave rulership to four leaders, one of which was Ayra-Manco. Quichuas believe that he brought order and rule to the earth. He also had two brothers who did miracles. After an argument over the possession of a magic golden sling, the brothers left each other, two of them becoming stone statues. Soon Ayra-Manco received a supernatural order to journey to Cuzco, where he built a temple to the sun, made the area his capital, and declared himself to be the first Inca king of Peru -Manco the Ruler.

The Quichua's empire included great temples, fortresses, canals, and mountain roads. The imperial highway stretching along the Andes for a thousand miles from Cuzco to Quito was the equal of any famous Roman road and is still in good preservation.

The wealth of the empire almost surpassed belief. Silver, gold, copper, bronze, and stone were mined and fashioned into tools, weapons, and household implements. Potters excelled in workmanship, variety, and ingenuity of design. Clothing, blankets, and other textiles were woven from cotton and the wool of their flocks. Agriculture had reached high standards, with systematic irrigation and mountain terracing. Great herds of llamas and alpacas were kept as burden-bearers and for their wool.

In ancient times, lands were worked by various Quichua clans, and everyone in the clan, both young and old, helped. After the harvest, one-fourth of the crop was given to the workers and their families; one-fourth to the sick, widows, and orphans; one-fourth to the government; and one-fourth to the religious leaders. Of the half given to the government and religious leaders, a part was kept for famine and emergencies.

Serving in the military was an obligation. Believing in the religion of the sun was also mandatory, as well as the use of the Quichua language.

The Quichua were originally highland Indians. When Pizarro and the Spanish conquerors arrived in the 1500s, the Indians moved down into the jungle to avoid being taken as slaves, although many were captured or killed by the Europeans. They adapted to the rainforests, bringing their extensive knowledge of special plants from the highlands. They also learned how to use the jungle plants and to hunt with a blowpipe. Today, the Quichua are one of the largest groups of indigenous peoples in Ecuador, speaking seven dialects.

What Are Their Lives Like?

The modern Quichua is of medium height with a large chest, dark-brown skin, and well-marked features. They are hard-working and strong; they live long, healthy lives. The Quichuas love music and song and are fond of church ceremonies which they frequently mingle with ancient rites. A popular custom is to set up altars with flowers along the highway.

Their houses vary by location. Outside of towns, homes are made of adobe, stone or wood and thatched with grass. They often have one room, without windows or a chimney. Some have radios, televisions, and refrigerators. In the rainforests, they build their homes along the rivers which serve as transportation, water spring, toilet and bath, and a source of food.

The Quichua's favorite meal is chupe, which is a meat stew with lots of peppers. They also eat guinea pigs, potatoes and maize.

Today Quichuas seek land titles. Indeed, land rights are a major issue; as is assimilation into Mestizo society.

What Are Their Beliefs?

Christianity was brought to the area by the Dominicans and Jesuits. By the end of the 1600s, almost all the Quichuas had at least heard about God. The traditional religion of the Quichuas is a mix of Catholicism and Incan animist beliefs. They believe that the natural world and the supernatural world are bound together, and whatever occurs in the supernatural world explains what is happening in the natural world. The Quichua perceive that everything in the world has a force which animates it; this vital force is called samai. Men, animals, plants, mountains, rivers, rocks, waterfalls all have their samai. Pachamama, Mother Earth, is also important.

Due to a people movement in the 1960s, today there are some 700 Protestant churches among the Quichuas. However, only two dialects have Bibles in those dialects. Bible schools also exist, although text books are only in Spanish. There is a Christian Quichua radio station.

What Are Their Needs?

Although the great majority of these people have had exposure to religion, only a small percentage have been taught about the full saving grace of Jesus Christ.

Alcohol problems are noticeable. Large families struggle to pay for their children's education, transportation and medical treatment.

Prayer Points

Pray that the Mestizo church in Ecuador will open its arms and resources to the Quichua church that shares the same country and the same faith.
Pray for the Imbabura Highland Quichuas to put all their faith in Jesus Christ.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to move among the Imbabura Highland Quichua people, drawing them to seek and find their only Savior, and bringing revival across denominational divides.
Pray for more Bible translations and theological texts in all Quichua dialects.
Pray for an increase in Quichua church leaders to keep up with continued church growth.
Pray the Imbabura Quichuas will be thoroughly discipled.

Scripture Prayers for the Quichua, Imbabura Highland in Ecuador.

References (language)

Profile Source:   Joshua Project  

People Name General Quichua, Imbabura Highland
People Name in Country Quichua, Imbabura Highland
Natural Name Imbabura Highland Quichua
Alternate Names Imbabura; Otavalo Highland Quichua; Quichua, Highland
Population this Country 196,000
Population all Countries 196,000
Total Countries 1
Indigenous Yes
Progress Scale 3
Unreached No
Frontier People Group No
GSEC 1  (per
Pioneer Workers Needed
PeopleID3 14233
ROP3 Code 107703
Country Ecuador
Region America, Latin
Continent South America
10/40 Window No
National Bible Society Website
Persecution Rank Not ranked
Location in Country Esmeraldas province: small enclave of west Quininde canton; Imbabura province: south and west of Ibarra town into northern Pichincha province; Northern highlands.   Source:  Ethnologue 2016
Country Ecuador
Region America, Latin
Continent South America
10/40 Window No
National Bible Society Website
Persecution Rank Not ranked
Location in Country Esmeraldas province: small enclave of west Quininde canton; Imbabura province: south and west of Ibarra town into northern Pichincha province; Northern highlands..   Source:  Ethnologue 2016

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Primary Religion: Christianity
Major Religion Percent
0.00 %
Christianity  (Evangelical 2.00 %)
96.00 %
Ethnic Religions
3.00 %
0.00 %
0.00 %
0.00 %
Other / Small
1.00 %
0.00 %
Primary Language Quichua, Imbabura Highland (196,000 speakers)
Language Code qvi   Ethnologue Listing
Language Written Yes   ScriptSource Listing
Total Languages 1
Primary Language Quichua, Imbabura Highland (196,000 speakers)
Language Code qvi   Ethnologue Listing
Total Languages 1
People Groups Speaking Quichua, Imbabura Highland
Photo Source Copyrighted © 2025  GAAPNet / Dick Bashta  All rights reserved.  Used with permission
Profile Source Joshua Project 
Data Sources Data is compiled from various sources. Learn more.