Religion: Islam What is Primary Religion?

Population of Adherents


% of World Population

25.0 %

People Groups


Unreached Groups

3,432 (85.8 %)

Map Notes
Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Photo People Group Country Population Primary Language Primary Religion Progress
% Christian
Est. Workers
Needed *
 Pashtun, Southern Tajikistan 36,000 Pashto, Southern Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % Bible Portions 1
 Pashtun, Southern Turkmenistan 1,700 Pashto, Southern Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % Bible Portions 1
 Pashtun, Southern United Kingdom 49,000 Pashto, Southern Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % Bible Portions 1
 Pashtun, Southern Ukraine 800 Pashto, Southern Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % Bible Portions 1
 Dayak, Lawangan Indonesia 135,000 Lawangan Islam 5.00 % 0.03 % Bible Portions 3
Pendau, Umalasa Indonesia 5,400 Pendau Islam 2.00 % 0.00 % Bible Portions 1
 Pongu Nigeria 55,000 Pangu Islam 30.00 % 2.50 % Bible Portions -
 Qashqai, Kashkai Iran 1,059,000 Kashkay Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % Bible Portions 21
 Rashaida Eritrea 55,000 Arabic, Hijazi Islam ☀︎ 0.01 % 0.01 % Bible Portions 1
 Daju, Dar Daju Chad 75,000 Daju, Dar Daju Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % Bible Portions 1
 Safaliba, Safazo Ghana 10,000 Safaliba Islam 10.00 % 7.50 % Bible Portions -
 Arab, Saidi Egypt 27,335,000 Arabic, Sa'idi Islam 14.00 % 5.11 % Bible Portions -
 Arab, Saidi Greece 7,300 Arabic, Sa'idi Islam 14.00 % 4.00 % Bible Portions -
 Vezo Comoros 900 Malagasy, Sakalava Islam 37.00 % 5.00 % Bible Portions -
 Sula Indonesia 93,000 Sula Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % Bible Portions 2
 Sanggau-Sekadau Indonesia 116,000 Sanggau Islam 3.00 % 0.05 % Bible Portions 2
 Sangil Philippines 10,000 Sangil Islam 0.56 % 0.56 % Bible Portions 1
 Arab, Saudi - Hijazi United Arab Emirates 374,000 Arabic, Hijazi Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % Bible Portions 7
 Arab, Saudi - Hijazi Qatar 26,000 Arabic, Hijazi Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % Bible Portions 1
 Arab, Saudi - Hijazi Saudi Arabia 11,452,000 Arabic, Hijazi Islam ☀︎ 0.09 % 0.08 % Bible Portions 229
 Arab, Saudi - Hijazi United States 79,000 Arabic, Hijazi Islam ☀︎ 0.00 % 0.00 % Bible Portions 2
Sawai Indonesia 17,000 Sawai Islam 12.00 % 1.17 % Bible Portions -
 Serer-Safen, Safi Senegal 279,000 Saafi-Saafi Islam 20.00 % 0.02 % Bible Portions -
 Shanga Nigeria 29,000 Shanga Islam 1.00 % 0.50 % Bible Portions 1
Shatt Sudan 36,000 Shatt Islam 2.00 % 0.80 % Bible Portions 1
Totals: 4,002 Peoples   2,021,235,000     3,432       36,672

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