Progress Scale: 5 - Significantly reached What is the Progress Scale?


Evangelicals > 10%
Progress Level
Progress Gauge

People Groups


% of World's
People Groups

19.1 %



% of World Population

22.8 %

Map Notes
Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Photo People Group Country Population Primary Language Primary Religion Progress
% Christian
Ngbaka Mabo, Bwaka Central African Republic 146,000 Ngbaka Ma'bo Christianity 97.00 % 37.00 %
Ngbaka Manza Central African Republic 49,000 Ngbaka Manza Christianity 90.00 % 34.00 %
Ngbandi Congo, Democratic Republic of 543,000 Ngbandi, Northern Christianity 98.00 % 21.00 %
Ngbandi, Southern Congo, Democratic Republic of 308,000 Ngbandi, Southern Christianity 98.00 % 22.00 %
Banda-Ngbugu Central African Republic 152,000 Banda, South Central Christianity 94.00 % 45.00 %
Ngbundu Congo, Democratic Republic of 54,000 Ngbundu Christianity 95.00 % 22.00 %
Ngemba Cameroon 36,000 Ngemba Christianity 74.00 % 18.00 %
Ngeti, South Lendu Congo, Democratic Republic of 273,000 Ngiti Christianity 65.00 % 18.00 %
 Ngombe Congo, Democratic Republic of 746,000 Ngombe (Democratic Republic of the Congo) Christianity 98.00 % 25.00 %
Ngongo Congo, Democratic Republic of 8,400 Ngongo Christianity 98.00 % 12.00 %
Chingoni Tanzania 300,000 Chingoni Christianity 70.00 % 17.00 %
Ngete Chad 37,000 Ngete Ethnic Religions 48.00 % 25.00 %
Nguruimi Tanzania 108,000 Ngoreme Christianity 85.00 % 15.00 %
Tswana-Ngwaketse South Africa 177,000 Setswana Christianity 72.00 % 13.00 %
Tswana-Ngwato South Africa 59,000 Setswana Christianity 70.00 % 17.00 %
Ngwili, Ngiri Congo, Republic of the 3,300 Ngbandi, Southern Christianity 75.00 % 22.00 %
 Niassan, Nias Indonesia 1,034,000 Nias Christianity 90.00 % 17.00 %
 Nicaraguan, Mestizo Nicaragua 6,394,000 Spanish Christianity 97.00 % 46.55 %
 Nii Papua New Guinea 32,000 Nii Christianity 99.00 % 12.00 %
 Nimi Papua New Guinea 3,400 Sama Christianity 90.00 % 21.00 %
 Nimo Papua New Guinea 800 Nimo Christianity 90.00 % 20.00 %
Nimowa Papua New Guinea 2,200 Rifao Christianity 95.00 % 14.00 %
 Yanomami-Ninam Brazil 700 Ninam Christianity 70.00 % 35.00 %
Ninggerum, Kativa Papua New Guinea 10,000 Ninggerum Christianity 90.00 % 18.00 %
Ninigo, Seimat Papua New Guinea 2,500 Seimat Christianity 90.00 % 25.00 %
Totals:  3,294 People Groups   1,842,445,000            

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