The Jule are a sub-group of the Shilluk, who are the northernmost Nilotic-speaking people in Africa. The original homeland of the Nilotic peoples is believed to be somewhere east of the Great Lakes in Africa. The Shilluk homeland was near Rumbek, but as their population and herds increased, they migrated northward. By the late 1400s, they had reached their new location along the banks of the White Nile River. Today, they still live there in open grasslands not affected by the river's annual floods.
Throughout the 1800s, the Shilluk and other tribes in southern Sudan were raided for slaves and ivory. Slave stations were established in many territories, but the Shilluk were well organized and able to deter many of the raiders. During the early 1900s under the Anglo-Egyptian rule of Sudan, the Shilluk way of life was drastically affected. The introduction of medical services, irrigation, road-making and the European style of government led to many changes in their culture and organization.
The Shilluk, including the Jule, are primarily herdsmen. They raise small herds of cattle, along with some sheep, goats, pigs and hens. Since they are so important to the Jule, cattle are given the utmost care. For example, they are tied near fires at night in order to keep insects from biting them.
To supplement their diet of dairy products, Jule women grow crops in gardens outside the settlements. Among the crops cultivated are millet, maize, sesame, beans and tobacco. Other responsibilities for the women include preparing the food and making the cooking utensils. Jule men hunt hippopotami, antelope, buffalo and giraffes. They are also expert fishermen. Through spear fishing, the Jule men take advantage of the bountiful species of fish found in the White Nile.
Jule communities have been likened to beads on a string. They are spread out along the banks of the White Nile, with a space of about 200 yards separating each community. Small settlements representing a lineage contain thatched-roofed huts made of mud. The settlement is headed by a chief, who handles disputes and keeps order in the community.
At the center of Shilluk country is the capital, Pachoda, where the reth (Shilluk king) lives. They believe the reth has spiritual powers, and he is often referred to as a divine king. They also believe the reth is a reincarnation of Nyikang, the first king. Today, the reth has ritual rather than regulative or executive powers.
The Jule possess a unique style of dress and tribal markings that set them apart from neighboring groups. They wear very little clothes. The men wear ivory or wooden bracelets on the wrists or upper arms. In addition, six of the lower teeth are removed at a young age (except in the royal family). This practice is also characteristic of most other Nilotic peoples, thus separating them from other ethnic groups. Jule men and women have three to five rows of dots or scars on their foreheads, indicating their distinct tribal markings.
The Jule are primarily Sunni Muslims, but most of the other Shilluk groups follow traditional animistic beliefs (belief that non-human objects have spirits). The Shilluk believe in the power of the "evil eye" (curse caused by an intense gaze). Envy or anger may cause a person with this power to bring misfortune to others. They combat it through prayer, sacrifices and magic. Although many African tribes feel that the birth of twins is a curse, the Shilluk consider it a blessing. Twins are considered to be "children of god."
The great majority of the Jule have not had an opportunity to hear the gospel, but there are some Christian resources available in their language. More evangelistic work and sustained prayer are needed for God's love to reach the hearts of these people.
Ask God to anoint the gospel as it goes forth via radio in their area.
Ask the Holy Spirit to powerfully anoint the words of Jule believers as they share Christ and disciple their people.
Pray for the Jule people to have the spiritual hunger it takes to embrace Christ no matter what the cost.
Scripture Prayers for the Jule in Sudan.
Profile Source: Joshua Project |