Unreached of Day: 2024-6-26

Nai (Hindu traditions) in India

Nai (Hindu traditions) in India

The Nai are a barber caste, but they do much more. In addition to cutting hair they also provide other grooming services such as extraction of teeth and setting of sprains. They are also involved with marriage celebrations and matchmaking. Nai women are employed in jobs very conducive to marriage celebrations, such as hairdressing and application of henna. They can help a person after the marriage gets settled as well, since they also serve as midwives. Though these occupations are their tradition, some are beginning to enter more professional and modern careers.

Ministry Obstacles

The Nai have a low literacy rate. The gospel must be presented to the Nai families in ways appropriate to oral learners.

Outreach Ideas

As long as people grow hair, they will need it cut and styled. Indian believers making use of Nai services could seek God's leading to persons and houses of peace, where believers can share the truth of the gospel with whole households.

Scripture Focus

"And I said: Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts!"  Isaiah 6:5

Scripture Prayer

Pray that there will soon be a heart-felt understanding of personal sin and the need for God’s redemption among this people group.

Prayer Focus

There are few known believers among the Nai. Pray that those Nai who do know Jesus will become effective and fruitful in sharing and discussing Bible stories with their own and other families. Pray that a strong movement to Jesus would bring whole Nai families and communities into a rich experience of God's blessing.

Nai (Hindu traditions) in India

People Name: Nai (Hindu traditions)
Country: India
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 14,406,000
World Population: 14,598,000
Language: Hindi
Primary Religion: Hinduism
Christian Adherent: 0.00%
Evangelical: 0.00%
Bible: Complete
Online Audio NT: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
Status: Unreached
Progress Level:
Progress Gauge

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