
Praying Through the Window

In 1992, Dr. C. Peter Wagner, coordinator of the AD2000 United Prayer Track, called for a million intercessors to pray for effective evangelism in the 62 countries of the 10/40<> Window. This effort, Praying Through the Window I, moved more than 20 million intercessors, from 105 nations to pray for the 10/40 Window countries during the month of October 1993. Teams from 32 nations actually visited the 10/40 Window countries to pray on site in what are called Prayer Journeys.

The spiritual response within the Window was immediate. Countries from West to East reported signs of greater freedom for the Gospel. Key national leaders experienced dreams and visions of Christ. Demonic powers were weakened. Although greatly encouraged by the growth of God's kingdom in the 10/40 Window, intercessors were sobered by the continuing needs. This prompted a second global prayer effort, Praying<> Through the Window II, which brought 36.7 million believers to pray for 100 "Gateway Cities" in the 10/40 Window in October 1995. Over 150,000 churches and ministries joined in praying for the Gateway Cities. There were also a reported 607 prayer journeys that originated from 48 different nations.

The year of October 1, 1996 to October 31, 1997, was designated by the AD2000 United Prayer Track as Praying Through the Window III.

Praying Through The Window IV is the last such initiative of the millennium, scheduled for October 1999. Titled "Light The Window," it returns to a focus on the nations of The 10/40 Window, while incorporating the strategic prayer information of the other efforts.  A 31-day prayer calendar for Praying Through The Window IV identifies the countries in The 10/40 Window listed for prayer each day. Intercessors wanting more detail will find it in a book-length prayer guide. For each nation, the guide focuses on strategic towns and cities anchoring larger geographical areas of The 10/40 Window nations. The book will also list  unreached people groups living within each of these areas.

Once again, prayer journeyers will fan out into cities and towns in each nation of The 10/40 Window to pray on site during this effort. The Christian Information Network will again serve to register home-based intercessors, prayer journey teams, and receive reports after the teams return home.

Michael Little, president of the Christian Broadcasting Network, returns as chairperson of the latest Praying Through The Window committee. Joining him as co-chairperson is Vonette Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ. Other key leaders include Luis Bush, international director of the AD2000 & Beyond Movement, Dick Eastman (Every Home for Christ), Ben Jennings (Campus Crusade International Prayer Office), Fred Markert and Floyd McClung of Youth With A Mission, Beverly Pegues (Christian Information Network), John Robb (World Vision), Stephen Strang (Strang Communications), C. Peter Wagner (AD2000 United Prayer Track), and Doris Wagner (Global Harvest Ministries).

Peter Wagner commented, "I believe that the principalities over The 10/40 Window are weakening daily, and that the 1999 blow against them will knock down the gates of hell so that there will be a church for every people and the Gospel for every person by the end of 2000!"

A feature of each Praying Through the Window has been the prayer journeys to the 10/40 window. Read through the documents on prayer journeys in this site and then explore the Christian Information Network site to learn more about this exciting possibility.

To learn more about Praying Through the Window or to register a prayer journey team, visit Christian<> Information Network's site.

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