Individual Involvement

Individuals desiring involvement in the effort for unreached peoples need not be deterred.  Following are just some of the avenues through which individuals can pursue the leading of the Lord for a commitment to missions and unreached peoples.

                Selecting a People for Prayer
Many individuals have chosen to make a commitment to pray for an unreached people until there is a reproducing church established among them. For assistance with choosing a people, see Selecting<> a People. Missionaries and mission agencies are grateful for the support of those who are dedicated to prayerfully opening the the hearts of the peoples and the doors to ministry.  The value and power of prayer is regularly attested to by such documents as the reports of Praying Through the Window from Christian Information Network. For these and other resources see Prayer Resources.<>

                Short Term Trip
Visiting an unreached people for a few weeks to a couple of years may be an option for some individuals.  Many organizations lead short term teams to or in the vicinity of unreached peoples.  You may wish to contact specific mission agencies to find trips which match your interest whether prayer, research, evangelism or work projects.  See Short<> Term Mission Opportunities.

                        Volunteer with a Mission Organization
Contact mission agencies and organizations to see how you might assist their efforts toward unreached peoples. Agencies often appreciate volunteers in the office to assist with mailings, data entry, etc. Additionally there often are ways to utilize those who are unable to visit a mission office.  Recent volunteers to one organization included a library and computer researcher, and a computer consultant. Neither of these volunteers ever visited the office they were assisting. Mail, telephones or computers can be adequate communication for some tasks.  See Missionary<> Sending Agencies and  Missions Resource Organizations.<>

                   Career Missions
We believe that the Lord of the harvest continues to raise laborers for the task of carrying the gospel to unreached peoples.  If you are burdened in this way please see Church Planting for assistance in contacting mission sending agencies.

                               Advocate - Introduction
                               Friendly Face/Conduit Advocate
                               One Advocate's Story
                               Short Term Exposure Trips
                               Advocacy Registration via the People Commitment Registration Form (Located at the Joshua Project II website.)
                               Training for Advocacy, Networking, Partnerships

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