Religion: Christianity What is Primary Religion?

Population of Adherents


% of World Population

31.2 %

People Groups


Unreached Groups

0 (0.0 %)

Map Notes
Click column headings for sorting ▲▼
Photo People Group Country Population Primary Language Primary Religion Progress
% Christian
Est. Workers
Needed *
Akpafu, Lolobi Ghana 98,000 Siwu Christianity 90.00 % 21.00 % New Testament -
Akpet-Ehom Nigeria 22,000 Ukpet-Ehom Christianity 75.00 % 10.00 % Translation Started -
Akrukay Papua New Guinea 500 Chini Christianity 100.00 % 7.00 % Unspecified -
Akuku Nigeria Unknown Akuku Christianity 60.00 % 5.00 % Translation Started -
Aladjan Jacquesville Côte d'Ivoire 48,000 Alladian Christianity 90.00 % 9.00 % New Testament -
Alangan Philippines 3,200 Alangan Christianity 70.00 % 15.00 % New Testament -
Alatil, Aruop Papua New Guinea 500 Mol Christianity 100.00 % 15.00 % Unspecified -
Alege Nigeria 20,000 Elege Christianity 70.00 % 8.00 % Bible Portions -
Algonquin Canada 7,300 Algonquin Christianity 96.00 % 6.00 % New Testament -
Ali Central African Republic 60,000 Ali Christianity 88.00 % 18.00 % Translation Started -
Alyawarra Australia 1,600 Alyawarr Christianity 90.00 % 40.00 % Bible Portions -
Amaimon Papua New Guinea 3,300 Amaimon Christianity 92.00 % 27.00 % Translation Started -
Amasi, Banta Cameroon 10,000 Manta Christianity 73.00 % 1.50 % Translation Started -
Amawaka Brazil 200 Amahuaca Christianity 75.00 % 35.00 % Bible Portions -
Amba, Ruwenzori Kibira Congo, Democratic Republic of 7,800 Amba (Uganda) Christianity 92.00 % 4.00 % Bible Portions -
Ambae, East Vanuatu 8,700 Ambae, East Christianity 95.00 % 41.00 % New Testament -
Ambasi, Tain-Daware Papua New Guinea 2,700 Binandere Christianity 88.00 % 30.00 % Bible Portions -
Ambattan Christian India 5,100 Tamil Christianity 100.00 % Complete Bible -
Ambele Cameroon 11,000 Ambele Christianity 69.00 % 6.00 % Translation Needed -
Amber, Waigeo Indonesia 1,100 Ambel Christianity 91.00 % 4.00 % Translation Started -
Amberbaken, Dekwambre Indonesia 30,000 Mpur Christianity 70.00 % 5.00 % Bible Portions -
Amblong Vanuatu 400 Amblong Christianity 96.00 % 39.00 % Unspecified -
Ambo Zambia 5,200 Lala-Bisa Christianity 90.00 % 5.00 % New Testament -
Ambo, Ndonga Angola 45,000 Ndonga Christianity 95.00 % 23.00 % Complete Bible -
Ambo, Ndonga Namibia 363,000 Ndonga Christianity 98.50 % 18.00 % Complete Bible -
Totals: 7,149 Peoples   2,517,889,000     0       0
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