Berber in Morocco
ee-MAH-zah-yen BUR-bur

Imazighen or Amazigh (singular) is the original ethnic group of the Maghreb region in North Africa, also known as the Berbers. These unique people continued to maintain their traditions even after the invasion by Arabs, who brought Islam. However, many Imazighen people were forced to become Muslims, and the majority of their descendants today are Muslims. There are some who are making an active effort to achieve recognition of the "Moroccan Amazigh identity," but others are happy to live and mix with Arabs.

Ministry Obstacles
Following Jesus in Morocco is not an easy path. When someone decides to follow the Savior, there will almost certainly be pressure from family and society to return to Islam.

Outreach Ideas
Many Imazighen people are very disillusioned with Islam. They see how it has been used to bring in Arabic language and culture and diminish their language and culture. They might be open to hearing about a sinless Savior if he is introduced in their language.

Scripture Focus
"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?"  Matthew 7:15-16

Scripture Prayer
Pray that the Lord gives this people group the discernment to recognize false prophets and the grace to know the true Prophet, Priest and King, Jesus Christ.

Prayer Focus
Pray for Imazighen believers to have the love and boldness to share Christ with their families. There are many opportunities for the Imazighen to hear the gospel: satellite programs, internet, and local and foreign believers. Pray for the Holy Spirit to open the hearts of Imazighen people and bring seekers into contact with Christian programs or believers.

Presented by Joshua Project