Kababish in Sudan

The term "Kababish" is usually used to describe anybody who is half Arabic and half black. The Kababish are a loose tribal confederation of Arabic people of mixed origins who live in a region of desert scrubland. They are traditionally Muslim but do not strictly follow the rules of Islam due to their harsh desert lifestyle. While Kababish men move across the desert with their camel herds, the women and children stay home.

Ministry Obstacles
Access to these people is very difficult. Many are nomadic and Sudan is harsh.

Outreach Ideas
Connecting with and talking about Jesus with home-bound women may be a fruitful strategy. Radio broadcasts for these women would also be helpful. Men who work in the marketplace could be effective in reaching the men.

Scripture Focus
"Let them praise the name of the LORD! For he commanded and they were created."  Psalm 148:5

Scripture Prayer
Pray that the gift of live will draw many from this people group to worshipping God only.

Prayer Focus
Pray that the gift of life would draw many from this people group to worship God only. Pray for peace in Sudan, and for adequate food and water for the Kababish people and for their livestock. Ask God to give the Kababish hearts to hear the good news of Jesus and to seek him in the Bible. Pray for a movement to Christ among the Kababish.

Presented by Joshua Project