Bhoi Kharbind in Nepal

Map Source:  People Group Location: Omid. Other geography / data: GMI. Map Design: Joshua Project
People Name: Bhoi Kharbind
Country: Nepal
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 11,000
World Population: 627,000
Primary Language: Bhojpuri
Primary Religion: Hinduism
Christian Adherents: 0.00 %
Evangelicals: 0.00 %
Scripture: New Testament
Online Audio NT: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
People Cluster: South Asia Hindu - Bhoi
Affinity Bloc: South Asian Peoples
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

The Kharbind Bhoi people in Nepal were considered a nomadic tribe from India in time past. Today this people group is mainly a landowning one, but a few are landless.

Where Are they Located?

Kharbind Bhoi people are all over India, especially in the states of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal. Some live in Nepal.

What Are Their Lives Like?

The Kharbind Bhoi community in Nepal is mainly a landowning one, but a few are landless. A Brahman priest officiates at their weddings. At the wedding, the bride and groom walk around the fire seven times.

What Are Their Beliefs?

Every Bhoi house has an altar to Manasamata, a Hindu god. Beside this, there are images of Khandoba and a few other gods and goddesses. Every family has a number of deities. They are 100 percent Hindu.

What Are Their Needs?

Vocational Christians may have opportunities to live among the Kharbind Bhoi people in Nepal, creating opportunities to be in daily contact with them to earn respect, and confidence, and hopefully the privilege to speak God's Truth in their midst. Audio, visual, New Testament, and Bible portions are available in their Bhojpuri language.

Though Kharbind Bhoi have a high standing within their culture, they are poor, needy, and without hope in this world without their Savior and sin-bearer.

Prayer Points

There may be no followers of Jesus among the Hindu Kharbind Bhoi people at present; pray for the Holy Spirit to move in their midst.
Pray that the Kharbind Bhoi community will care for their families above their deities.
Pray they will make schooling a priority for their children, so the children will be equipped to live in modern times.

Text Source:   Keith Carey