Tamil (Christian traditions) in Reunion

Tamil (Christian traditions)
Photo Source:  Anonymous 
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People Name: Tamil (Christian traditions)
Country: Reunion
10/40 Window: No
Population: 49,000
World Population: 55,800
Primary Language: Tamil
Primary Religion: Christianity
Christian Adherents: 90.00 %
Evangelicals: 1.00 %
Scripture: Complete Bible
Ministry Resources: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
People Cluster: South Asia Christian
Affinity Bloc: South Asian Peoples
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

Reunion was once a French colony. In 1848 the French abolished slavery so they needed a new source of cheap labor for their plantations. They looked to India, specifically Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry, the latter with French influence.
Tamil speakers, both Hindu and Christian, began to work on these plantations. There were many difficulties for this industry. There were the forces of nature that sometimes tore plantations apart. At one time Reunion was taken by British forces.

What Are Their Lives Like?

Today the culture of Reunion is what we might call a hybrid culture. It mixes in aspects of various cultures, and even the dominant French language is Creolized. Most likely the Tamil language is different in Reunion than it is in India or Sri Lanka.

What Are Their Beliefs?

Some are nominally Christian but incorporate Hindu practices. Most are Roman Catholic. Tamil speakers are more Christianized in Martinique than they are in Reunion.

What Are Their Needs?

Tamil speaking Christians need biblical materials and Bible teachers. They need to get their faith centered on Jesus Christ.

Prayer Points

Pray for Tamil speaking disciplers to disciple others in Reunion.
Pray for churches in Reunion to center on Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Bible.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to bring revival fire to the French speaking world.

Text Source:   Joshua Project