Nasu, Panxian in China

Nasu, Panxian
Photo Source:  Copyrighted © 2025
Operation China, Asia Harvest  All rights reserved.  Used with permission
Map Source:  Joshua Project / Global Mapping International
People Name: Nasu, Panxian
Country: China
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 376,000
World Population: 376,000
Primary Language: Nasu, Wusa
Primary Religion: Ethnic Religions
Christian Adherents: 2.00 %
Evangelicals: 1.72 %
Scripture: New Testament
Ministry Resources: Yes
Jesus Film: No
Audio Recordings: Yes
People Cluster: Tibeto-Burman, other
Affinity Bloc: Tibetan-Himalayan Peoples
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

The Panxian Nasu have lived in their present location for numerous centuries. Over the past three hundred years, under pressure from an influx of Han Chinese into their areas, many Panxian Nasu living near the townships have lost the use of their language, traditional dress, and culture.

The Panxian Nasu are officially considered part of the Yi nationality in China. Their culture, ethnicity, and language are different from other Yi groups, however. Panxian is the name of a county in Guizhou Province. The county includes the large Lupanshui Municipality. This loconym has been added to the name of this group to distinguish it from the several other Nasu groups in southern China.

What Are Their Lives Like?

The traditional dress of Panxian Nasu women consists of "a long gown in black or blue with buttons on the right side. ... The headscarves are usually white in color. The waist is girded with a black apron with two floral streamers hanging down on the front. Women of Longlin [County in Guangxi] look more plain and graceful. ... They wear black headscarves, earrings, bracelets, and embroidered shoes with a hawk head on the top."

What Are Their Beliefs?

Ancestor worship is the main religion of the Panxian Nasu today. Only in mountainous areas do they still practice spirit worship.

There are Panxian Nasu believers. In Longyin Township of Pu'an County, where the Nasu have met in three large house churches since 1980, "the Christians are held in high esteem by their neighbors because of their constant display of public spirit." The Panxian Nasu of southern Guizhou, Yunnan, and Guangxi have had less exposure to the gospel.

What Are Their Needs?

There is a void in the hearts of the Pan Xien Nasu people that only Jesus Christ can fill.

Prayer Points

Pray that God will use the few Christians to successfully evangelize them; and that God will prepare them to respond well to outreach.
Pray for bold workers who are driven by the love of the Holy Spirit to go to them.
Pray for an unstoppable movement to Christ among them.

Text Source:   Joshua Project