Romani, Balkan in Türkiye (Turkey)

Map Source:  Location: IMB. Imagery: GMI, ESRI, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, ESRI User Community. Design: Joshua Project.
People Name: Romani, Balkan
Country: Türkiye (Turkey)
10/40 Window: Yes
Population: 75,000
World Population: 949,000
Primary Language: Romani, Balkan
Primary Religion: Islam
Christian Adherents: 4.50 %
Evangelicals: 0.50 %
Scripture: Complete Bible
Ministry Resources: Yes
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes
People Cluster: Romani
Affinity Bloc: Eurasian Peoples
Progress Level:

Introduction / History

Romani call themselves Roma, which in their language means "men." They derive Rom from the word Dom, meaning "a man of low caste who gains his livelihood by singing and dancing." The Romani language, therefore, comes from the name the Romani call themselves.

Romani have their roots in India. They began spreading westward in the tenth century. By the fourteenth century, there were large Romani groups established in the Balkan Mountains of Bulgaria. Some continued to live as nomads; others settled in permanent dwellings. Regardless of where they lived, though, to non-Romani, they remained mysterious and distinct. Curiosity about them eventually led to hatred and discrimination. In the twentieth century, the Nazis killed thousands of Romani. Today, they are still discriminated against. Many times, the population counts of Romani are inaccurate because of their nomadic lifestyle. Others do not possess identity cards because they fear discrimination or persecution.

The Balkan dialect of Romani borrows from both Greek and Turkish. For this reason, we call it a hybrid language.

The Balkan Romani are located mainly in parts of southeastern Europe, including North Macedonia, Serbia, and Bulgaria, but they also live in many other countries. In the 1950s-60s Romani people migrated to Turkey from Bulgaria and what was once Yugoslavia. Some of these maintain their Balkan Romani language while others have integrated with the Turkish majority.

What Are Their Lives Like?

In the past, Balkan Romani were not allowed to own land, so they began developing unique occupations, which they still do today. These included fortune-telling, horse trading, market vending, entertaining, acrobatics and metal and woodworking. They are especially known for their musical and dancing abilities. In fact, many of them have become popular professional musicians in Turkey. Many sing and play instruments at weddings and festivals. The Balkan Romani are noted for being flamboyant. This makes them interesting, mystical, and sometimes misunderstood. In many situations, Balkan Romani people try to blend and keep their ethnic identity unknown.

Unfortunately, they are also known as beggars and thieves. This reputation has caused much distrust and discrimination. In many countries such as Turkey, they are last in line for jobs. Some of the women work as domestic helpers, but they get paid meager wages. Many have insufficient housing and unsatisfactory medical attention.

Parents often arrange marriages. Young couples usually marry while in their mid to late teens. Often, they prefer to elope rather than to have a wedding ceremony. They expect girls to be sexually pure before marriage. Once married, she joins her husband's family and gains status and respect by having children.

Because they have Muslim status like the Turks, the Balkan Romani are not counted as a minority or given

What Are Their Beliefs?

Balkan Romani have maintained their religious traditions and beliefs. They believe that ghosts, lizards and snakes can harm humans. They believe that men have the power to curse others by giving them the "evil eye." These beliefs have been blended with Sunni Islam, the dominant religion in Turkey. The Sufi form of Islam appeals to them.

What Are Their Needs?

No matter where they live, the Balkan Romani have one thing in common: the need for Jesus. There is a great need for intercessors and workers to make sure the Balkan Romani have the chance to meet the savior.

Prayer Points

Pray for the Domari culture to be renewed and enhanced by a work of the Holy Spirit and shaped into a God-centered and God-honoring mold.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to move among Domari family and community leaders in Turkey to seek his face and enjoy his blessings.
Pray for the Lord to thrust out workers who will be compelled to nurture a movement to Christ among the Domari people in Turkey.
Pray that their dire conditions will soon lead the Domari to seek the One True God who yearns to give them the peace and joy of the Lord.

Text Source:   Joshua Project